Cigarette smoking a camel crush

Cigarette smoking a camel crush
Me Vanessa Hunter cigarette smoking a camel crush on my birthday 2022.

Monday, April 10, 2023

 Sometimes people ask you what was you doing on  September 11 2001  / 9/11/01   ?   

 Sometimes people ask you what was you doing on  September 11 2001  / 9/11/01   ?      Here  my answer.  I  in Los Vegas Nevada at  a photo shoot and video shoot of  me for website called   magazine  age 17.  They taken pictures of me we hear on fm radio about plant hit twin towers in new york.  We thinking was a joke by radio station we keep taken pictures.  Someone walk in had a portable 5 inch tv  they carry with them they watching on news we saw second  plane hit twin towers again. We stop video  stop taken pictures. i  do not know video That is right now but yesterday i found pictures was taken That   morning on  Google images.  Here i  share pictures they was taken That morning.  They put in there magazine girls was age 17  influences of Cigarettes Smokers like myself.  That pictures They was taken.  

P s if wanted know brand Cigarettes im having in this pictures im having a lucky strikes Fillers i buy from  Chicago Illinois to  Los Vegas Nevada with me on vacationmy family that week.


  1. Pretty Pics of you. I was in a school classroom when 9/11 happened. Teacher in next classroom came in our classroom told our teacher what happened on tv, our teacher turn on tv in our classroom we all kids saw second plane hit twin towers. We all in shock after we saw that.

  2. I was in gym class when it happened. I didn't see first plane hit. Elizabeth in ROTC Class by my gym class she came in gym saying a plane just hit important building up in New York. It all over the news. Gym teacher said anybody go see that they can. We went to Carrie class as we walking in second plane hit. We all in terror. Great pictures of you Vanessa.

  3. Taylor right that what happened there more this story. I had a bag cellphone in school. I call my mother after saw second plane hit. She said dad in New York at that he was fireman training there. I hang up with mother and call dad. He answer phone wish me Happy birthday my birthday September 11 1988. I be 35 this year. He said he getting ready go in that building find survivors, i ask him stay on phone with me i had full battery. He said He had full battery too. We talk 27 minutes cellphone had timer on it. He said im on floor 67 he hear someone screaming help. Phone went quiet. 8 minutes later someone said Hi hi hi on dad cellphone. I ask who this ? They said Beth i said im Elizabeth Douglas i ask where my dad ? They said he fireman ? i said yes. She reply floor fall apart he went down though floor he drop his cellphone by me as he fall though. I knew he was dead. Beth talk me another 12 minutes 43 minutes now pass im been on cellphone she went quiet too. I knew she dead too. 3 weeks all over 2 firemans came our door said dad die. This Beth die too in her hand was dad cellphone. She never escape alive dad never escape alive too. A sad day 9/11 on my birthday. After learn all this i went my bedroom on my dresser was a open pack marlboro lights 100 i took 1 out light it. I had my first Cigarette age 13 that afternoon.

  4. Nice photos of you. i was on morning 9/11 making a video myself with my husband as he took photos too. I no longer have that video i still have photos. I share on here 9/11 date. Also here how we knew about 9/11 we took videocassette out camcorder put in VCR when we saw second plane hit building. We no longer wanted see video on VCR we made on camcorder.


Thanks for your comment. No bad language or i will delete your comment. I do not do nudity pictures do not ask see them. I do not smoke weed definitely do not ask me do that.

Why do i Cigarette smoke for?

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