Cigarette smoking a camel crush

Cigarette smoking a camel crush
Me Vanessa Hunter cigarette smoking a camel crush on my birthday 2022.

Friday, July 14, 2023

I now start a new website im not be on this 1 anymore.

 I  now start a new website im not be on this 1 anymore maybe check my comments and posts see they doing ok i not post any more pictures myself on here. This be my last pictures post of myself on here.  

Vanessa Hunter Virginia Slim 120

You see example my new website   ?  Here open first post on my new website my husband having sex mith me. I request him cream pie me i wanted get pregnant and have a kid soon.  If a girl i name it  Sarah   if a boy i name it  Jason after my husband middle name.  


  1. Wow VANESSA im speechless see that second photo. Yes BITCH Carrie Johnson try top that photo bet you cannot. I make deal with you. If top that photo before July 19 my birthday i quit Cigarettes smoking 1 month not have a Cigarette for 31 days. Deal or no Deal ?

    1. Carrie said no deal someone ignoring as you. Carrie said you get off This website because last 3 sets pictures post on here are fake. Retire This website go somewhere else. Maybe Hell Carrie said.

    2. No deal plus I can't top any females are you crazy when these sites started and I am talking about way back when it first became an idea to have people do smoking videos and that this was always aimed for females to do this thats what made all this so popular it was for females to get on and smoke and other reasons which I will not get into cause than that gets into other topics not appropriate to talk about but it was always originally ment to be a women's thing which is why they don't show many guys doing this cause we can't make it that cool or that good or that great which is why it's very rare on us if you see any guy videos besides if there ever are it's not regular smoking thats for sure that goes under another inappropriate topic I won't discuss but yea mostly was for women and your asking me to top you wouldn't and couldn't happen one you mostly smoke more than I do so you got me there already point one on your side two no matter what way I smoke it will never be cool or popular than any women smoking thats a fact and another point to you like I said you smoke more than me and mostly probably can out smoke me I don't do fast smoking anyway never have and I don't intend to try to make myself sick but anyway you smoke more so you got me there you can out smoke me your a woman I am not you got a point there you got all the advantages I dont have it's not a fair idea even if I could smoke as much as you or if I could do everything you could I have no advantage for me to even have that chance or even a possibility of that chance I would have to be a woman first and foremost to even have a chance so basically only the others you challenged would have that chance and even they said they weren't but if they did you would of won by default cause Taylor if she still smokes the same amount I heard she does you got her there which is a win by default and Carrie I don't think smokes as much anymore either if not all point is you win by default which mean you would have to quit smoking and point is all the people you get on your site probably would stop coming cause I believe that's what they are there for to see your pictures and videos of you smoking you stop that you will loose a lot of people well either way you won't loose us you decide to completely quit everything altogether like all the sites videos and everything than yea maybe you would loose us to cause no way to contact you but as far as just quitting smoking you would loose a lot of your viewers I am not going to say all but I would say a lot of them were here because of your smoking

  2. So let me guess your new website called ? I see that on bottom your picture.

  3. Wow i hope you get pregnant you should have a kid you almost 40 Years old. Great Pics.

  4. I have something say to u. I remember u on PlayStation 4 network. You always sweet to me or my cousins or friends on groups or Communitys. After you no longer on PlayStation 4 network we found you that 1 website hello Christine smoking issues. You became a bitch on there. Now u on this website became a BIG BITCH you never my friend after you left PlayStation 4 network. I hope you a better mom than you are a friend.

    1. Back then i try be a nice person on ps4 you get banned i hear saying bad language. I was on hello Christine few my posts banned because my language. I got This website seen others people posts no censorship. I say whatever i want on This website. Enough said bitch Elizabeth.

  5. Hi Vanessa sorry no I didn't quit the blog I just don't get on it much cause I haven't thought of anything to post plus my parents are home alot more now so it makes it very hard to post anything which is why I have not done any smoking videos or any videos of any kind on YouTube I still go on YouTube though but yea I haven't left anything just haven't been on anything that much I mea. I could of came on here more to reply I could of done that I just haven't I got behind on here mostly been playing a lot of video games or watching movies but I have never quit the site I just have not been on for a while I mostly come on more if I have something to post on me but haven't been able to have that chance so I really just haven't been coming on

  6. I hope you didn't totally quit yet and you do see this first than you can quit if you want to but also one more thing I do appreciate your posts your comments and replies and also about what you said about me joining the smoking sweeties website I have joined the website I don't purchase anything can't afford to don't have money plus don't have credit cards mostly just look at free pictures or videos but it's only website it's not like I could of joined to be one of the smoers on there they dont do a lot of those type of things for guys mostly when that started it was mostly for women only whether they were young or teens or even adults it was more popular for them you never really seen a lot of places that had the guys I am not saying they are not out there but it's more rarer and un heard of but also yea even more rare for a guy to smoke virgin slims 120s or even the regular Virgina Slims cause mostly you see them smoke Marlboro or camel or Winstons I did start wit Marlboro and have tried other brands but prefer menthols and Virgina Slims 120's as first choice probably would of been eves 164 if they were still around and were here probably would of been that first than Virgina Slims 120's than misty 120s but we don't have eves 164 and they dont have them really anymore but yea I love menthols the best and prefer the longer the better or slimmer ones the best cause to me they are longer and take more time to smoke but yea not many males smoke Virgina Slims 120's I am not the only one but I would be one of the rare ones that do but yea going on websites is not much but to actually be in actual smoking videos not all the likely that was more set up for women like I said not saying there are not any out there but was more rarer for guys

  7. I saw that video today Vanessa of him cream pie you. wow he definitely fill you full of cream cum.


Thanks for your comment. No bad language or i will delete your comment. I do not do nudity pictures do not ask see them. I do not smoke weed definitely do not ask me do that.

Why do i Cigarette smoke for?

Hi Everybody.

  Hi everybody. I just on here again wanting say Hi everybody again. Not on here long. Saw Elizabeth Douglas and Taylor Johnson and Trisha A...

cigarettes smoking fetish