Cigarette smoking a camel crush

Cigarette smoking a camel crush
Me Vanessa Hunter cigarette smoking a camel crush on my birthday 2022.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

You see another 1 Carrie Johnson use my pictures ?

 You see another 1 Carrie Johnson use my pictures making a video herself saying that her Carrie Johnson in pictures  ?  I do not know how she made this videos use my pictures. Im very mad at Carrie Johnson about it.  I  never be her friend again.  

That me again here original picture in color not in black. and white again. 


  1. This truth i never saw this video until today. I never knew Carrie had this video until today. My opinion it a excellent video.

  2. Same this video also since you made this blog I'm delete this video soon too. Maybe on August 1 2023 this video be gone.

  3. What strange about this 2 months ago i seen Carrie Johnson had it. After VANESSA had it i never put 2 and 2 together until saw THIS video by Carrie Johnson after VANESSA video that i knew Carrie Johnson USE VANESSA photos on Carrie Johnson YouTube saying that Carrie Johnson. Get off Fucking ass BITCH delete them videos.


Thanks for your comment. No bad language or i will delete your comment. I do not do nudity pictures do not ask see them. I do not smoke weed definitely do not ask me do that.

Why do i Cigarette smoke for?

Hi Everybody.

  Hi everybody. I just on here again wanting say Hi everybody again. Not on here long. Saw Elizabeth Douglas and Taylor Johnson and Trisha A...

cigarettes smoking fetish