Cigarette smoking a camel crush

Cigarette smoking a camel crush
Me Vanessa Hunter cigarette smoking a camel crush on my birthday 2022.

Monday, June 26, 2023

I had most crazy comments today.

 I had most crazy comments today on my xvideo website.  here comment said   "  Dear Vanessa Hunter you ain't a real cigarette smoker get fuck off xvideo website removed your profile and pics and videos off here if not off here by July 26 2023 i  report you to officials run this website tell them  you doing smoking weed pics and videos on here.  "     that comment  made me mad. Im am a real cigarette smoker.  Here a few pictures and video myself proof that loser comment wrong.  

Im having a Newport 100 in my video as talking about this website blogger and my other website Xvideo  im thinking quit that website Xvideo because hateful comments people saying.  Only be on this website only.


  1. That guy screw off you sexy with a cigarette Vanessa. Nice pictures of you.

  2. Yes i got comments like That too on Facebook and twitter myself i hit block on them.


Thanks for your comment. No bad language or i will delete your comment. I do not do nudity pictures do not ask see them. I do not smoke weed definitely do not ask me do that.

Why do i Cigarette smoke for?

Vanessa bad girl.

  Yesterday i was a bad girl.  I went a 20 year school reunion saw some my friends in school we use hang together smoking between classes in...

cigarettes smoking fetish